Institutional money laundering risk assessment system in the anti -money laundering system

In early June 2024, the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China held a Shanghai Anti -Money Laundering Conference.The meeting proposed: further promoting anti -money laundering work to risk -based transformation, incorporating money laundering risks into comprehensive risk management, based on self -assessing risks and problems as the starting point, finding the shortcomings and insufficient anti -money laundering work, strengthening the investment of anti -money laundering resource investment , Push anti -money laundering work to risk -based and effective high -quality development stage.This requires that financial institutions can accurately locate the risk of money laundering, timely discover the weakness of anti -money laundering work, and adopt corresponding risk control measures. Financial institutions need to have sufficient professional capabilities and resources to bring huge challenges to financial institutions.

Difficulties and challenges

Evaluation system

The lack of corresponding experience on how to establish a comprehensive and effective evaluation indicator system for financial institutions, and some financial institutions have established relevant indicators based on risk factors mentioned in the guidelines of pedestrian self -assessment, which is relatively superficial and simple.

data collection

The self -assessment data collection capacity is weak, and there are a large number of offline collection and collation data. Many financial institutions collect the assessment data by layers of collection and notifications to branches or obtain evaluation data by submitting data extraction requirements to the IT department. low efficiency.


The lack of data automation statistics tools, for the collection of data, mainly remit Presidential data through artificial (such as using Excel), the workload is large, and it is easy to make mistakes.


There is no automation generating self -assessment report function, and it is mainly used to compile the self -assessment report by hand, which is time -consuming and labor -intensive.

In the context of the regulatory department's active promotion of money laundering risks, self -assessment will definitely develop in the direction of "comprehensive" and "refined", which has brought tremendous work pressure to financial institutions. Financial institutions need strong self -assessment of self -assessment. Auxiliary tool support.

Institutional money laundering risk assessment system solution

In order to help financial institutions deeply understand and implement self -assessing supervision requirements for money laundering risks, RIKING has created the institutional money laundering risk assessment solution to comprehensively help financial institutions to discover and prevent money laundering risks in a timely manner.

The institutional money laundering risk assessment system realizes the functions of self -assessment, review, and reporting of financial institutions' money laundering risks, and timely discover the weakness of the existence in the work, thereby establishing a self -restraint and self -correction mechanism. At the same time, it can provide strong decision support for anti -money laundering work through due diligence, customer risk level evaluation, transaction monitoring, anti -money laundering data reporting, blacklist management, etc., and provide strong decision support for anti -money laundering.


Electronic evaluation process

Realize the electronicization of institutional risk self -assessment work, from evaluating data collection, statistics, evaluation, review, to the self -evaluation report to achieve online processing, improve work efficiency, reduce human errors, ensure the quality of the report, and make decisions for financial institutions Provide strong support.

Adapt to different evaluation modes

Provide two models: headquarters evaluation and unit assessment, which can comprehensively evaluate the risk of inherent money laundering by branches, business units and institutions in financial institutions, as well as effective management and control measures, and calculate the remaining risks of evaluation objects to strengthen the evaluation institutions and internal units. Management of money laundering.

Complete risk indicator library

Configure a complete risk indicator library, set up comprehensive risk assessment indicators from the aspects of regional environment, customer groups, business products, and transaction/delivery channels, which can be used to choose from, and flexibly configure the self -assessment risk assessment index system.

Flexible template configuration

For different evaluation scenarios (such as regular evaluation or special assessment), the system can realize different evaluation templates for evaluation business configuration of different use indicators and scoring standards. At the same time Different evaluation indicators templates.

Automatic risk measurement

Through data interaction with the functional module related functional modules of the Anti -Money Laundering System, automatically collect risk index data, combine the method of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, calculate the risk score of inherent risk and control measures, and increase the surplus risk of measurement agencies through the risk matrix. The objectivity of anti -money laundering risk assessment.

Risk hot map visualization

Display the scores of the risk (such as risk dimensions, factors, and indicators) at all levels of the total level of the general score institution, and the comparison of risk trends and branches of the annual annual year, helping users quickly and intuitively understand the risk distribution situation, so as to make the way More effective risk management decisions.

Contact Us

RIKING Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a well-known financial supervision and compliance software solution provider in the financial industry. Founded in August 2013, it has been deeply engaged in the field of regulatory technology for more than 11 years, providing one-stop regulatory compliance consulting and software solutions covering the whole process of regulatory data governance, data mart, risk and compliance management, credit investigation, anti-money laundering and Basel III liquidity risk control for the world's leading financial institutions.Welcome to call us 4009210806.

Contact information

Minnie Fang
Director,Business Development Center
Roger Zhou
Director, Presales and Consulting Center